Posted on 24 Comments

Encountering errors? Having issues placing orders? Suggestions? Comments??

Hi!  This is a brand new site and is being updated and tweeked etc sometimes daily, if you have any issues with anything or have a suggestion or a comment, please either use the comment feature or contact me directly.  Your business is important and I want to keep a healthy, stable businessey type relationship going or be able to win you as a customer and the more feedback I get the easier it will be for me to accomplish this.

24 thoughts on “Encountering errors? Having issues placing orders? Suggestions? Comments??

  1. I appreciate what you’re doing here and would love to give you an order but it would help if you gave folks an idea of what kind of poppers these are. There are certain types of poppers I will not take under any circumstances. Buying a mystery bottle without any information on formulation is a bit much for me.

    1. 100% amly nitrite (well as close to 100% as possible anyways, its not diluted at all and nothing funny in it)

      1. I am considering adding another process to further purify one of the main reagents, I’m not sure what if any effect it could have on the final product, but this process is time consuming and rather laborious… I may add another (more expensive however, at least 2x more I’m thinking) option, if there is any interest. The current product is pretty dang good if I say so myself, but I have yet to receive much feedback thus far. No feedback is better than bad feedback!

  2. I tried placing an order. I selected bitcoins for payment. It keeps saying that there’s an error in processing. Please try again later.
    Then I selected PayPal, and the screen pop-up says that the merchant’s account is restricted.

    1. Yes I am getting the same error, I will look it right now

    2. Paypal disabled my account so its no longer an option. Not sure why the bitcoin one isnt working but i’km working on getting it fixed or replaced as we speak. If you must use bitcoin my address is bc1quw0fjxsg33wwyphm3s4kl00xxuhxs37flknr6d the ethereum and monero payment gateways should be working fine. Just please remember this is a new site and has many kinks, and I’m not only the manufacture of product, Im also the developer of the site and responsible for the severs and code, plus I’m the guy that will ge ablet help any and all of my extreemoly valuable customers

      1. Bitcoin plugin has been changed please try it again

  3. No confirmation emails are are sent after orders, makes it very hard to determine the status of orders and legitimacy of the site. Additionally, the “contact” feature says a confirmation email will be sent to confirm your issue has noted, and no confirmation email has come through either of the two times I’ve reached out. Also as a side note I’ve only reached out 2 times, around 5 days apart, and when i went today to send a follow up to clarify a point in my previous message, the contact form says along the lines of “you’ve reached out 10 times already, that’s more than enough for now” and won’t let any further messages. There should also be a feature added to alert when order has gone from completed to shipped. This would make it much easier to verify when orders have forgotten to be shipped. Thanks

    1. I just printed a label for your shipment 5 minutes ago, if you still haven’t gotten an email notification please let me know, or better yet let me know here either way! Thank you for your business all customers are appreciated! (so far anyways, lol)

    2. I have changed the contact form, BUT I can’t test it right away, cause the recaptcha thingie takes up to 30 minutes to do its thing. I hope it works now because I’ll probably forget to check it again in 30 minutes…

    3. I changed the contact form plugin to a different one, it works for me a now anyways, if you care to try again and let me know when you did it I can find out if its working.

  4. Password reset link doesn’t seem to be working. I’m not getting the reset email.

    1. I just sent a password reset link manually to your email address, are you sure you have the right email address in the system here? I would repeat it here for you but I don’t think I should.

      1. I wasn’t sure so I tried to set up an account with that email address and it said that an account already existed with that email. I also didn’t receive your PW reset email. I’ll try setting up an account with a different email.

  5. Hi. I never received the password reset link you sent manually. I tried creating a new account with the email address I provided and it said one already existed. I tried doing another PW reset on login page and again never received the reset instructions. I checked spam folder just in case and it was empty.

    1. Hi! Sorry for the late reply, I think we got it fixed though right? Let me know if its still broken please! Thanks! 🙂

      1. eMails from the site were working for a short time but google is making me go through some kind of verification process before they will turn it back on. Could take up to 6 weeks they say… I may start looking for another solution for site emails. It really should not be this difficult to send automatic emails, but with all the spammers I guess its been locked down significantly in the past few years.

  6. Hi, shipping to Europe, Germany via ups or gls possible?

    1. i’ll have to check with UPS manually myself, or why dont you check with them, figure out the cost, and make sure its included with my payment. i know shipping world wide with USPS is possible, flat rate international boxes start at around 30-40$ to Germany, most other countries are about the same price. According to this list looks like flat rate international boxes to 180 countries varies from 30-45$ USD. I do not yet know if there will be problems with customs or import taxes or anything like that, yet. I would like to offer refunds to customers that don’t get their packages, but I cannot afford it right now. If and when the site picks up steam I may change this policy at least temporarily.

    2. It is now, worldwide shipping via FedEx is now available. Payment options for non-us customers is still limited to cryptocurrency, unless you figure out how you can register and use a cashapp account, which I think may be difficult for non-us residents.

  7. Error checking out every time

    1. what checkout process are you trying to use sir?

    2. I think I see the problem, attamting to fix it now

      1. fixed it, all check out processes were not working because the sites emailing ability issues and my trying to fix them by using a stmp plugin that was garbage made the site stop working alltogether whenever it would try to send an email. disabled said plugin and its back to normal now. site still cannot send emails and i am going to just write the stmp plugin myself. so might be a few days at least until i get that working!

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